What Is the EA?
The Evangelical Association of Reformed & Congregational Christian Churches is a growing, national voluntary association of churches, ministers, and believers networking together to further the cause of our Lord Jesus Christ. Recognition in this Association is fully compatible with participation in other denominations and associations.
Revitalizing and reproducing healthy churches for Kingdom advancement.
The EA networks congregations and individuals to encourage and equip one another for biblical revitalization and reproduction of healthy churches.
The purpose of this Association is to:
- Deepen and expand the fellowship of our clergy and churches.
- Help ministers and congregations discover new and creative ways to work together in partnership to advance the work of the Kingdom.
- Assist churches coming out of denominational structures as they seek to function as independent, autonomous congregations.
- Encourage our churches, clergy, and laity to maintain a steadfast biblical witness, affirming Jesus as Lord in an era when many are pressuring Christians to compromise the truth.
- To support and promote the Scriptural principles of the autonomy of the local church and encourage a steadfast biblical witness by our churches, our clergy, and laity to our Lord, Jesus Christ.
- To assist churches in finding pastors.
Download our EA Introduction Brochure.
What does biblical revitalization look like when it helps produce a healthy church? Here's one example of the power of transformation at First Reformed Church in Landis, NC. How might Jesus Christ revitalize your church? How might we network with you to let God unleash his vision for your congregation?
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We hold fast to the belief that:
- Jesus Christ is the head of His body, the Church, and each local church.
- Christ exercises His authority in each local church by the Holy Spirit and through the Holy Scriptures.
- Each local church is in itself a complete church and is therefore autonomous and possesses all the rights and responsibilities of the church as bestowed upon it by the Holy Spirit and set forth in God's Word.
The EA Logo: What It Represents
The Cross is at the center of the "EA," reminding us that Jesus Christ, and the Gospel message of Christ's death and resurrection for the salvation of the world, is the focal point of who we are and what we believe as an Association.
The Cross in the center of the logo is a variant of ancient renditions of the Cross, reminding us that our faith represents the ancient, historic, orthodox faith of the Church passed down from the Early Church, through the Reformation, to us today.
The Cross in the center of the logo is a variant of ancient renditions of the Cross, reminding us that our faith represents the ancient, historic, orthodox faith of the Church passed down from the Early Church, through the Reformation, to us today.
The words "revitalize" and "reproduce" remind us that this historic faith is not a museum piece but a vibrant, living faith that calls us to continually renew our commitment to living out the Gospel of Jesus Christ in ways that bring life and hope to the world today as we share the message, plant the seeds, and nurture the growth of new Christians and churches that are rooted in this historic faith.